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Useful Links


  • The Curly Hair Project The curly hair project (CHP) aims to help women and girls with ASD and their neurotypical loved ones communicate and understand each other better.

  • EcoBirmingham We look at sustainable living holistically and our core areas of work cover – Transport, Food, Education, Waste, Water, Arts Engagement and Energy..


  • Adders British hosted online support group for adult and children with Attention Deficit Disorder. Includes articles and chat rooms.



  • Dyspraxia Foundation The Dyspraxia Foundation is a country Wide charity, founded in 1987 as the Dyspraxia Trust by two mothers who met at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children.



  • Epilepsy Action We exist to improve the lives of everyone affected by epilepsy.

  • Epilepsy Society Epilepsy Society’s vision is a full life for everyone affected by epilepsy. Why not connect with us today? Together we can make a real difference.

Mental Health


  • MindEd for Families An online resource providing evidence based advice and information for family members or caregivers concerned about their child’s mental health. The site has been funded by the Department for Education and offers advice on all aspects of children's mental health, ages 0-18. This half of the site is aimed at families but is useful for everyone who is involved with children.


Diversity   Inclusion   Equality

Unlocking potential. Securing futures.

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